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Refereed Journal Articles:


Longley, A., Moraes, J., Cook, J. Reaching Across from Here to There, in Precarious Times – Remote-teaching embodied creative practice through scores, instructions and poetic invitations. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 10 (Special Issue), September 2022. pp. 81- 109.



Kussmaul, K. and LONGLEY, A. The Queer Habitat of Fascia, Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, Volume 13, 1-2, 1 December 2021, pp. 145-152.



Longley, A. The Other Country That You Are: A Performative Essay and Video Work exploring Radical Kindness in the Chilean Peoples Uprising of 2019. Performance Paradigm 16. pp. 199-217.   November 2021.



Longley, A., Sturm, S., & Yoon, C. Kindness as water in the university. Knowledge Cultures, 9(3), 2021. 184-205. December 2021.


Longley A, Fisher K, O’Connor G, Hutchinson J. Touching Outward: Art Making at the Seam Where Care Meets Risk, Journal of Embodied Research 4(1) 05 Feb 2021


Fitzpatrick, E. and LONGLEY, A. (2020).  Performative writing as a method of inquiry through intra-action with the material world: The Art of the Imperative. LEARNing Landscapes, Special Issue; The Role of Performances in Educational Practices, June 2020, U.S.A.



LONGLEY, A.M and Kensington-Miller, B. Visibilising the invisible: three narrative accounts evoking unassessed graduate attributes in dance education, Research in Dance Education, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/14647893.2019.1644616



LONGLEY, A.M, and Kensington-Miller, B. Under the Radar: exploring "invisible" graduate attributes in tertiary dance education. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, (11)1, 2018, pp. 66-75.


Kensington-Miller, B., Knewstubb, B. LONGLEY, A.M, Gilbert, A. From invisible to SEEN: a conceptual framework for identifying, developing and evidencing unassessed graduate attributes. Higher Education Research and Development, Vol. 37 (7), 2018. p. 1439-1453.


LONGLEY, A.M, I wanted to find you by inhabiting your tongue: Mistranslating between words and dance in choreographic practice. Choreographic Practices, Special Edition on Words and Dance, 8 (1), 2017, p. 27-49.


LONGLEY, A.M, Skeleton boat on an ocean of organs’ and other stories: understanding and evoking posthuman relations through site-based dance, somatic practices, performance writing and artist-books. Text and Performance Quarterly, Special Edition on Posthuman Relations and Performance Studies, 36 (4), p. 229-249, 2017.   DOI: 10.1080/10462937.2016.1240827


LONGLEY, A.M, Translating home: dance, cities and moments. Dance Research Aotearoa, Special Issue on Community Dance. Volume 4, 2016. p. 117-133



LONGLEY, A.M., & DUXBURY, N. Introduction, Mapping Cultural Intangibles, City, Culture and Society, Special Issue on Mapping Intangible Culture. 7 (1). 2016. p. 1-7


LONGLEY, A.M,, ŠUNDE, C., FISHER, K., MATHEWMAN, S. (2015) ‘Fluid Pixels’, HyperRhiz, 12, Summer 2015. (Creative Digital Article, N.P.)


LONGLEY,A.M, FITZPATRICK, K., MARTIN, R.,. BROWN, C., ŠUNDE, C. EHLERS, C., BRIERLEY, G.,WAGHORN, K.  ‘Imagining a Fluid City’, Qualitative Inquiry 19(9) 2013. p.736-740.


FITZPATRICK, K. and LONGLEY, A.M, ‘Embodiment and affect in research collaborations’. Emotion, Space, Society. Volume 12, 2013, p. 49-54


LONGLEY, A.M, Experimental Documentation/ Choreographic Translation. Dance Research Aotearoa. 1 (1) 2013, p. 75-85.


LONGLEY, A.M, and TATE, K. ‘Writing the Somatic in the Insomnia Poems Project’. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices. 3(1-2), April 2012, p.229-242.


McMEEL, D., BROWN, C., LONGLEY, A.M, ‘Design, digital gestures and the in[ter]ference of meaning: Reframing technology’s role within design and place through performative gesture’. The International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 7(1), 2011, p. 5-22


LONGLEY, A.M., WILLIS, E., HARVEY, M.R., HARRIS, B.'Almost Reaching You / Missing U', Fracija, 50, 2009, p.106-111.


LONGLEY, A.M. 'Moving words: improvising with Simone Forti', Writings on Dance, 24, 2008, p.63-75.


BUCK, R., HARVEY, M. LONGLEY, A.M, Our Dance Scrapbook, Performance Research, Vol. 11 Issue 2, 2006, p.87-94.


Book Chapters


LONGLEY, A. Accelerating a Blaze of Very Tender Violence: 10 experiments in writing with performance and activism, in Affective Moments, Methods and Pedagogies, Stacy Holman Jones and Anne Harris (Eds). Routledge, 2021, pp. 60-82


LONGLEY, A. Creasing and folding language in dance education research, Poetry, Method and Education Research, Fitzpatrick, E. and Fitzpatrick, K. (Eds). Routledge Press, U.K. 2020.



LONGLEY, A.M. Reflections on Smudge Skittle, an inventory of resources entangling artistic practice and writing, in Midgelow, V., Bacon, J., Kramer, P., and Hilton, B. Researching (in/as) Motion A Resource Collection, Nivel, Helsinki, 2019.


LONGLEY, A.M, and BUCK, R. A Gap in the Place Where A Teacher Should Be, in Farquhar, S. and Fitzpatrick, E. (Eds). Innovations in Narrative and Metaphor. Springer, U.S.A, 2019, p. 253-266.


LONGLEY, A. The Feeling of Time Between Us, in Wilson, A. (Ed) Te Ao Live: Experimental Dance Aotearoa in the Early 21st Century. Blurb. 2019. p.164-169.


LONGLEY, A.M and BROWN Brown, C. and Longley, A. (Eds) INTRODUCTION Undisciplining Dance in Nine Movements and Eight Stumbles. Cambridge Scholars Press. Cambridge; U.K. 2018, p. 1-14.


LONGLEY, A.M and DUXBURY, N. INTRODUCTION in Duxbury, N., Garrett-Petts, W., Longley, A. Artistic Approaches to Cultural Mapping; Activating Imaginaries and Means of Knowing. Routledge. London, U.K. 2018, p. 1-22.


ROCHE, J. and LONGLEY, A.M. What would it be, if it didn't have to be like that? Undisciplining the Travel of Dance in the Neoliberal University. in Brown, C. and Longley, A. (Eds). Undisciplining Dance in Nine Movements and Eight Stumbles. Cambridge Scholars Press. Cambridge; U.K. 2018, p. 49-58.


LONGLEY, A.M, A Series of Fallible Asides and Improvised Poems, drawn from the Mistranslation Laboratory. Associaçāo dos Arqueòlogos Portugueses, Portugal, 2017. p.21-34.


LONGLEY, A.M, Half-Hearted Donkey Routines We Cannot Do Without, in Longley, A., Rosa Dias, F., Mendes, J.M., (Eds) Research in Arts and Absurdity. Lisbon School of Theatre and Film, Portugal, 2016. p. 101-112.


LONGLEY, A.M, Smashing Eggs; On the Ironic Pleasures of Mangling in Artistic Research, in Quaresma, J., Longley, A., Rosa-Dias, F (Eds). Research in Arts, Irony, Critiscm and Assimilation of Methods. Lisbon School of Theatre and Film, Portugal, 2015. p.30-43.


LONGLEY, A.M, Practice-led dance writing; Oscillating between proximity and distance. Typologies of Artistic Research, Ed. José Quaresma , University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters. 2014, p.21-34.


ŠUNDE, C. AND LONGLEY, A.M, “fluid city/ Water in the Sustainable City" in Animation of Public Space through the Arts: Towards More Sustainable Communities" Ed. Nancy Duxbury, Alemedina Press, Portugal. 2014, p.157-166.


LONGLEY, A.M, Movement Initiated Writing in Dance Ethnography. 40th Anniversary of Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Ed. Norman Denzin, Emerald Books, U.S.A. 2013, p.69-94.


LONGLEY, A. M., & BUCK, R. M. Fostering inclusion, creativity and diversity through studio teaching. In R. M. Buck, & N. Gregory (Eds.), Studio Teaching Symposium. Auckland: Centre for New Zealand Art, Research and Discovery. 2011, p. 87-94.

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