Choreographic Research Aotearoa and the Narrative and Arts Special Interest Network present:
Open Studio with Jenny Roche and Alys Longley
Tuesday 11 February 2025
4pm – 5:30pm
Dance Studies Studio 132
Ground Floor, Building 201, 10 Symonds St, Auckland Central

Associate Professor Jenny Roche (University of Limerick, Ireland) and Professor Alys Longley (Dance Studies UoA) invite you to an open studio, where they will share their current research in Dance and Performance Studies, with a focus on artistic research and narrative writing from embodied experience.
In this time Jenny and Alys will present individual and collaborative research through talking, moving and installation, with time for question and discussion. They will share work that crosses between performance, writing in the expanded field, poetic and narrative inquiry, improvisation and somatic research.
Dr Jenny Roche is Associate Professor in Contemporary Dance and Course Director of the MA in Contemporary Dance Performance at the University of Limerick, Ireland. From 2013 to 2017, she was a lecturer in dance at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. Her research focus is the creative practice of the contemporary dancer, exploring the specific nuances of this career from multiple perspectives including philosophical approaches, Somatics and narrative enquiry. She has worked
extensively as a dancer in Ireland and internationally and continues to work as a collaborator and performer in various creative arts research contexts. From 2007 to 2011 she was dance advisor to the Arts Council of Ireland. Recent performance projects include Expanded Fields, a collaboration with artists Ruth Gibson and Bruno Martelli, a moving image installation for Limerick City Gallery of Art 2019. Her sole-authored bookMultiplicity, Embodiment and the Contemporary Dancer: Moving Identities was published in 2015 and Choreography: The Basics, coauthored with Stephanie Burridge was published by Routledge in 2022.
Dr Alys Longley is an interdisciplinary artist, writer and teacher. Alys’s work exists as live performance, artist-book, installation, film, education curriculum, poetry, performance writing and lecture-demonstration. Over the last decade, alys has been exploring mistranslation studies, working across languages and disciplines to explore the spill of ideas beyond conventional systems of meaning, through a series of international artistic-research projects in Berlin (Germany), Santiago (Chile), Coimbra (Portugal), NYC (US), Chicago (US), Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland (NZ), Poneke/ Welllington (NZ), Vienna (Austria) and Stockholm (Sweden). Her books include Let Us Drink the New Wine, Together! (2022) with Museum of Contemporary Art Santiago and The Foreign Language of Motion(2014) and Radio Strainer (2016) with Winchester University Press’s Preface Series. Her edited books include Undisciplining Dance in Nine Movements and Eight Stumbles (2018, Cambridge Scholars Press, with Carol Brown) and Artistic Approaches to Cultural Mapping, Activating Imaginaries and Means of Knowing (2018, Routledge, with Nancy Duxbury and Will Garrett Petts). Alys is a Professor at Ngā Akoranga Kani Kani / Dance Studies, Waipapa Taumata Rau |The University of Auckland.