h u m a t t e r i n g
a series of performance experiments for international live-streaming in BienalSur 2021
& in-person performance in Tamaki Makaurau, Auckland, NZ
what matter are we?
how do we matter?
how do we human?
what matters to us?
how do we touch across the available matter when touch becomes impossible?
how do we matter through impossible times?
how do we stay with each other, matter with each other, in these times of closed borders?
how can we stay with each other, right now, across distance?
can we stay close with our friends across oceans and time zones, can we stay with them through the difference of our circumstances?

we’re just these gift economy-circulatory systems for connection, touch and relation
we’re just reaching beyond stasis, beyond national borders, beyond isolation, beyond the home language,
we just want to continue

Are these days with their names, these containers for time, slippery shared fictions or arms made of light, holding us together?

Mapping Porous Borders Presentation
Modes of Capture Symposium, Dublin Dance Festival
June 2020