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Mapping Connections Microsymposium
Linda Knight of the MFI (Mapping Future Imaginaries) Network and Alys Longley, with Choreographic Research Aotearoa, Waipapa Taumata Rau (University of Auckland) have organized the Mapping Connections Microsymposium, which is happening virtually NEXT WEEK as part of the expanded MFI Making Connections programme. We’re super excited to share the work of a spectacular group of artistic researchers participating in this online event – participants sharing work are based in Aotearoa NZ, Australia, South America, USA, Europe and UK. We have collaborated with DotDot Studio (NYC) to develop an exciting platform that enables us to meet together in virtual spaces. Linda and Alys have curated an exhibition of artistic research through a series of virtual worlds visitors can portal through, and real-time conversations with international artists, who will meet and connect across time zones.

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