is a project about poetics, touch and constant movement
simultaneously a game, a conversation log, and a poem (of sorts)
each text is a one-of-a-kind cyanotype print
and each time a new print is made the text is revised and rewritten
so the materiality of printmaking shifts the practice of making a poem
a poem made out of the process of cyanotype printing
listening to handwriting, handwriting to printing
printing to holding
can the the materiality of printmaking author a poem?
could a poetic body fall out of language?
a text in constant movement
literally printed by the weather
piece by piece/ game pieces
ordered by the taste of the reader
designed to be held
the feeling of the card in your hands is the poem
a poem just formal shapes it doesn’t mean anything
a poem of writing actual words, an poem of writing down actual conversations
a poem that is a translation from one language to another
the water developing the words is the poem
the chalk coming off in your hands is the poem
conversations and lists come off a deck of cards, the turning
of cards over in your hands is the poem
your skin to this texture, this moment of temperature
a very specific and singular set of blues is the poem
the fact of each card being developed by sunlight
then hung with the washing
on the line to dry is the poem chemical reactions
between light and paper are the poem
a chemistry of brightness and clouds
a language of movement, everything moving
a poem just of touch, just of brightness, just of wash